Food Delivery Robot that uses Facial Recognition!

By Jacob V Sanoj and Kaushik Narayan

Prototype Image

Due to the COVID pandemic, people faced many restrictions on their daily lives. With those restrictions being eased, people have started going out to their favorite places, mainly restaurants and malls. This raised issues like a lack of social distancing and increased human interaction. Our idea will start reducing human interaction by using a food delivery robot that uses facial recognition to perform the tasks that a waiter would generally do.


  • Arduino UNO
  • IR Sensors (2)
  • Robot chassis
  • Connecting wires
  • H Bridge or Motor Driver
  • Batteries 9V (2)
  • Raspberry Pi 3+
  • Raspberry PiCam
  • Castor wheel


These are the steps to be followed:

  • Make the chassis of the robot car by using 2 wheels and a castor wheel.
2 Wheel Chassis DIY Chassis
  • Connect the IR sensor and motor driver to the Arduino.
  • Two DC motors are used to move the car. The robot follows a black line on the floor and moves forward. The robot turns left or right based on when the IR sensor on the left or right detects a single black line.
  • Implement Facial recognition using OpenCV. This can be easily implemented using python. Face recognition identifies faces and displays the name of the person. A Raspberry Pi cam can be used for this purpose. The camera takes a specified number of photos. A record of the person’s photos is maintained in a folder. These photos are used when the robot takes the food to the table and when the face has matched the robot opens the lid of the box which contains the food.
  • Now we use an API tool called Google Sheets. In this, we stored the data of the user, mainly their name and their order. We do this by creating a service account. The procedure to that can be found in the attached link at the end of the blog.
  • Then we have to create a GUI. We did this using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, and a python library called eel. The library is efficient and also we can create an easy-to-use GUI and the theme once made can be reused in future projects. The links of which are attached below.



IEEE RAS RR campus PES University

The IEEE-RAS PESU Chapter aims to promote diligent growth amongst the students of PES University about various fields of Robotics and Automation.